Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hot Chicks and Old Computers #9

Macintoshplususer has challenged me with a braless babe at a supermarket. In response, I present an ad which shows a typical day here at MacTV Industries.

While perusing my vintage magazine collection, I get a shoulder rub from a lovely lady. Another of my honies brings me my latest purchase from ebay on a silver platter - a memory card for my Apple ][. And finally, the pretty lady at my feet does my retro computing for me.

Just a reminder of who is #1, that's all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mac-TV!

I really do like your babes and to contradict Tweetdeck, I know why the babe petting your shoulder isn't the most beautiful one: you don't see her anyways!!!!

Keep it going and I learned somethign about American Homecomputer culture so far!